
Phylogeny of Gymnospermae

Info to cladogram

  • Extinct lineages are not shown.
  • Phylogeny and years after Lu et al., 2014.
  • According Lu et al., 2014 are all members of Gnetales part of Pinales after Christenhusz et al (2011), so we used names of classes in our cladogram, because Gnetales could not be member of Pinales.


Table of families

info FCycadalesCycadaceae192E. Africa and Madagascar, South East Asia to Japan, N. Australia, New Caledonia and Tongadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesCycadaceaeCycas100E. Africa and Madagascar, South East Asia to Japan, N. Australia, New Caledonia and Tongadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info FCycadalesZamiaceae9216tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Australia and Americasdioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeDioon14Mexico and Central Americadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeBowenia2N.E. Australiadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeMacrozamia41Australiadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeLepidozamia2N.E. Australiadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeEncephalartos65tropical and S. Africadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeStangeria1S. Africadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeCeratozamia26Mexico and Central Americadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeMicrocycas1W. Cubadioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info GCycadalesZamiaceaeZamia68tropical and warm Americasdioecious palm-like herbs or "trees"
info FGinkgoalesGinkgoaceae11E. Chinadeciduous resinous, dioecious treesor evergreen shrubs to trees
info GGinkgoalesGinkgoaceaeGinkgo1E. Chinadeciduous resinous, dioecious treesor evergreen shrubs to trees
info FGnetalesWelwitschiaceae11S.W. Africaherbs with underground caudex with two long leaves
info GGnetalesWelwitschiaceaeWelwitschia1S.W. Africaherbs with underground caudex with two long leaves
info FGnetalesGnetaceae141pantropicalvines, rarely shrubs to trees
info GGnetalesGnetaceaeGnetum38pantropicalvines, rarely shrubs to trees
info FGnetalesEphedraceae170North warm temperate areas, W. South America; drier habitatsxeromorphic shrubs, vines, or small trees
info GGnetalesEphedraceaeEphedra50North warm temperate areas, W. South America; drier habitatsxeromorphic shrubs, vines, or small trees
info FPinalesPinaceae11255N. hemisphere (temperate, cold, warm, mountains) and S.E. Asiaresinous, monoecious trees or rarely shrubs
info GPinalesPinaceaeCedrus4N. Africa, subtropical Asiaresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaePinus110N. temperate to South America, Indonesiaresinous, monoecious trees or rarely shrubs
info GPinalesPinaceaeCathaya1Chinaresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaePicea34cool N. hemisphereresinous, monoecious trees or rarely shrubs
PinalesPinaceaePiceaPicea omorikaBalkan pennisula, Serbia, Bosniaresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaePseudotsuga4E. Asia and W. North Americaresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaeLarix10cool N. hemisphereresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaePseudolarix1Chinaresinous, monoecious trees or shrubs
info GPinalesPinaceaeTsuga9temperate N. America and E. Asiaresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaeNothotsuga1Chinaresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaeKeteleeria2S. China, S.E. Asiaresinous, monoecious trees
info GPinalesPinaceaeAbies46N. teperate areas, S.E. Asia, C. Americaeverygreen monoecios or dioecious trees
info FPinalesAraucariaceae439S. hemisphere and Philliphines, not in Africaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesAraucariaceaeAraucaria19Australasia, S. Americaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesAraucariaceaeWollemia1Australiaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesAraucariaceaeAgathis19Australasiaeverygreen, resinous, usually dioecious trees or rarely shrubs
info FPinalesPodocarpaceae20199S. hemisphere and partially tropical N. hemisphereeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeDacrydium22S.E. Asia to New Zaelandeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaePodocarpus113S. temperate areas, E. Asia, West Indieseverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaePhyllocladus5S.E. Asia, Australasiaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeLepidothamnus3Holantarctiseverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaePrumnopitys9Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, South America to Costa Ricaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeSundacarpus1Australia and Malesiaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeHalocarpus3New Zealandeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeParasitaxus1New Caledoniaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeLagarostrobos1Tasmaniaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeManoao1New Zealandeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeSaxegothaea1S. Chile and Argentinaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeMicrocachrys1Tasmaniaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaePherosphaera2Australiaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeAcmopyle2New Caledonia, Fijieverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeDacrycarpus11S. E. Asia, Malesia, to New Zealandeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeFalcatifolium6Malesia to New Caledoniaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeRetrophyllum5New Guinea to New Caledonia, South Americaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeNageia6S. and S. E. Asia to Japan, Malesiaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeAfrocarpus5Africaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesPodocarpaceaeMargbensonia1Malesiaeverygreen monoecios tree
info FPinalesSciadopityaceae11C. and S. Japaneverygreen monoecios tree
info GPinalesSciadopityaceaeSciadopitys1C. and S. Japaneverygreen monoecios or dioecious trees or shrubs
info FPinalesCupressaceae32166worldwideeverygreen tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeCunninghamia1China, Vietnam, Laoseverygreen tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeTaiwania2China and S.E. Asiaeverygreen tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeAthrotaxis2Tasmaniadeciduous tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeMetasequoia1Chinaeverygreen tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeSequoia1W. North Americaeverygreen tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeSequoiadendron1Sierra Nevada (California)everygreen tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeCryptomeria1China and Japaneverygreen tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeGlyptostrobus1China, Vietnamdeciduous tree
info GPinalesCupressaceaeTaxodium2E. North America, Mexicoeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaePapuacedrus1New Guinea and eastern Moluccaseverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeAustrocedrus1mountains of S. Chile and S. Argentinaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeLibocedrus6New Zealand, New Caledonia, Chile and Argentinaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaePilgerodendron1mountains of S. Chile and S. Argentinaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeWiddringtonia4S. Africaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeDiselma1Tasmaniaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeFitzroya1S. Chile and S. Argentinaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeCallitris16Australia and New Caledoniaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeActinostrobus3W. Australiaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeNeocallitropsis1New Caledoniaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeThujopsis1Japaneverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeThuja5N. America, E. Asiaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeFokienia1China, Vietnameverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeChamaecyparis5E. Asie, N. Americaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeCupressus25Cool north temperate regions to the northern subtropicseverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeJuniperus50N. hemisphere, one in mountains of E. Africaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeCalocedrus4W. North America, China, S.E. Asiaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaeTetraclinis1W. Meditarraneaneverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesCupressaceaePlatycladus1E. Asiashrubs
info GPinalesCupressaceaeMicrobiota1E. Russiaresinous or nonresinous,dioecious or monoecious trees or shrubs
info FPinalesTaxaceae631N. America, N. Africa, Eurasia to S.E. Asiaeverygreen trees
info GPinalesTaxaceaeAustrotaxus1New Caledoniaeverygreen shrub
info GPinalesTaxaceaePseudotaxus1Chinaeverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesTaxaceaeTaxus9N. temperate areas and S.E. Asiaeverygreen shrubs
info GPinalesTaxaceaeCephalotaxus6E. Himalayas to Japaneverygreen shrubs or trees
info GPinalesTaxaceaeAmentotaxus4Chinaeverygreen trees or shrubs
info GPinalesTaxaceaeTorreya7E. Asia, USA