
Cladogram of Angiospermae

The caladogram of orders, list of families within each order can be found in APG IV.


Table of families

info FANA groupAmborellalesAmborellaceae11New Caledoniasprawling shrubs
info FANA groupNymphaealesHydatellaceae110India, New Zealand and Australiarather small more or less caespitose and often annual aquatic (submerged or not) herbs
info FANA groupNymphaealesCabombaceae26tropicsrather small-flowered waterlilies
info FANA groupNymphaealesNymphaeaceae570worldwidequintessential waterlilies
info FANA groupAustrobaileyalesAustrobaileyaceae12Australialianes
info FANA groupAustrobaileyalesSchisandraceae392Sri Lanka and S. E. Asia to W. Malesia, S.E. U.S.A., E. Mexico, Greater Antillesshrubs, small trees, lianes
info FANA groupAustrobaileyalesTrimeniaceae16New Guinea and S.E. Australia to Fijitrees or lianes
info FMagnoliidsMagnolialesMyristicaceae20475pantropical, few mainland Africatrees
info FMagnoliidsMagnolialesMagnoliaceae2227tropical and subtropical regions of Americas, S.E. and E. Asia, Malesiatrees or shrubs
info FMagnoliidsMagnolialesDegeneriaceae12Fiji, Viti Levushrubs
info FMagnoliidsMagnolialesHimantandraceae12Celebes, New Guinea and N.E. Australiatrees
info FMagnoliidsMagnolialesEupomatiaceae12New Guinea and E. Australiashrubs
info FMagnoliidsMagnolialesAnnonaceae1292100pantropical, few warm temperatetrees, shrubs or lianas
info FMagnoliidsLauralesCalycanthaceae511E. Asia, North America, N.E. Australiadeciduous or evergreen shrubs to trees
info FMagnoliidsLauralesSiparunaceae275tropical America (Siparuna), W. Africa (Glossocalyx)shrubs or lianes
info FMagnoliidsLauralesGomortegaceae11C. Chilearomatic plants
info FMagnoliidsLauralesAtherospermataceae625New Guinea to New Zealand, E. Australia, New Caledonia, Chilebroadleaf evergreen trees and shrubs
info FMagnoliidsLauralesMonimiaceae22200tropics of S. hemisphere, esp. Australasialianes, shrubs or trees
info FMagnoliidsLauralesHernandiaceae555pantropicaltrees or lianes
info FMagnoliidsLauralesLauraceae502500tropical and warm temperate regionsdiverse, also parasitic
info FMagnoliidsCanellalesCanellaceae513tropics of Americas and Africa incl. Madagascarevergreen shrubs or trees
info FMagnoliidsCanellalesWinteraceae590scattered, esp. S. hemisphere, not lowland tropicsoften rather small evergreen trees or shrubs
info FMagnoliidsPiperalesAristolochiaceae8490worldwide, not Arctic, mainly tropics and warm temperate regionsmost are more or less herbaceous plants
info FMagnoliidsPiperalesPiperaceae53615pantropicalherbaceous habit
info FMagnoliidsPiperalesSaururaceae56esp. North America and E. Asiaherbs
info Findependent lineageChloranthalesChloranthaceae475tropics and subtropicsaromatic evergreen plants
info FMonocotyledonsAcoralesAcoraceae13N. hemisphereherbs
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesTofieldiaceae331N. hemisphere, incl. mountains of N. South Americaherbs
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesAraceae1234150mostly tropical, but few Africa-Madagascar and Australiaherbs
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesAlismataceae1588worldwidelaticiferous, aquatic herbs
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesButomaceae11temperate Eurasiaaquatic herbs
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesHydrocharitaceae18116worldwide, also marineaquatic plants
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesAponogetonaceae150tropical and warm temperate regions, excl. Americasaquatic plants
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesScheuchzeriaceae11N. hemisphere, temperate to arcticsmall herbs of marshy places
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesJuncaginaceae330worldwideherbs often growing in saline marshy places
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesMaundiaceae11E. Australiarosette herb
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesPosidoniaceae19only marine, Mediterranean, temperate Australiamarine "grasses"
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesRuppiaceae110worldwidesubmerged aquatic plants growing in saline to fresh water
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesCymodoceaceae516only marine, worlwidemarine "grasses"
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesZosteraceae214only martine, temperate and subtropical watersmarine "grasses"
info FMonocotyledonsAlismatalesPotamogetonaceae4120worldwide, esp. temperateaquatic plants
info FMonocotyledonsPetrosavialesPetrosaviaceae24Japan and China, W. Malesialeafless achlorophyllous herbs
info FMonocotyledonsDioscorealesNartheciaceae541N.W. Europe, E. Asia, Caucasus, W. and E. Nort America, Venezuela and Guiana and scattered in W. Malesiaherbaceous plants
info FMonocotyledonsDioscorealesBurmanniaceae14150pantropical (some subtropical), esp. South Americarather small, often echlorophyllous herbs
info FMonocotyledonsDioscorealesDioscoreaceae5820pantropicalmore or less herbaceous plants
info FMonocotyledonsPandanalesVelloziaceae5240South America and Africa-Madagascar to Arabia, China (Acanthochlamys)xeromorphic and sometimes tree-like monocots
info FMonocotyledonsPandanalesStemonaceae427China and Japan to Australia, S.E. U. S. A. (Croomia)herbaceous plants
info FMonocotyledonsPandanalesTriuridaceae1150pantropicalmostly rather small and delicate echlorophyllous mycoheterotrophic plants
info FMonocotyledonsPandanalesPandanaceae4885tropical regions, excl. Americaswoody plants with long, ridged, spiny-toothed leaves
info FMonocotyledonsPandanalesCyclanthaceae12225C. and tropical South Americamore or less herbaceous
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesCorsiaceae330S. China, S. South America, Papuasia-Australiaechlorophyllous mycoheterotrophic herbs
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesCampynemataceae24New Caledonia and Tasmaniaherbs
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesPetermanniaceae11E. Australiarhizomatous woody climbers
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesColchicaceae15245temperate to tropical, but not in South Americacormose or sometimes rhizomatous geophytes
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesAlstroemeriaceae5170South America, Australia, New Zealandherbaceous
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesMelanthiaceae16170N. temperate, esp. E. Asia and E. North America, to Peruherbs
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesLiliaceae15610N. temperate, esp. E. Asia and North Americageophytes
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesSmilacaceae1250pantropical to temperateoften prickly climbers
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesPhilesiaceae22S. Chilemore or less epiphytic rather woody shrubs or vines
info FMonocotyledonsLilialesRipogonaceae16New Zealand, E. Australia, New Guineaclimbers that often have prickly stems, but no tendrils
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesOrchidaceae88027800worldwidemycorrhizal herbs
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesBoryaceae212Australiaxeromorphic, some being resurrection plants
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesBlandfordiaceae14E. Australia, Tasmaniaherbs
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesLanariaceae11S. Africaherbs
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesAsteliaceae331New Zealand to New Guinea, Pacific Islands E. to Hawaii, Chile, the Mascareneherbs
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesHypoxidaceae7220pantropical to temperate, esp. S. Africaherbs, geophytes
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesIxioliriaceae13Egypt to C. Asiacormose herbs
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesTecophilaeaceae725Africa, Chile, and the U.S.A. (Odontostomum)cormose herbs sometimes with broad-bladed, petiolate leaves
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesDoryanthaceae12E. Australiamassive, tufted, perennial monocots
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesIridaceae662105worldwideherbs, often two-ranked, isobifacial leaves
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesXeronemataceae12New Zealand and New Caledonialarge herbs
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesAsphodelaceae41900esp. Old World, not Arctic, W. South America, Australiadense tuft of long, narrow leaves terminating a stout, woody stem
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesAmaryllidaceae731605worldwideusually bulbous herbs
info FMonocotyledonsAsparagalesAsparagaceae1532500worldwidevariable habitat
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ArecalesDasypogonaceae416Australiaherbs with thick pseudo-trunk and cluster of long, slender leaves on top
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ArecalesArecaceae1882585tropics and subtropics, Africa is relatively depauperatepalm trees, herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesTyphaceae225worldwideoften robust, rhizomatous herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesBromeliaceae573350(Sub)tropical America; W. tropical Africaplants rosette-forming
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesRapateaceae1694tropical South America, W. Africa (one species)rosette herbs with mucilage in the leaf rosettes
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesEriocaulaceae61160pantropical to temperate, but esp. Guyana Highlands and S.E. Brasilnearly always rosette plants
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesXyridaceae5260pantropicalrosette plants that often have two-ranked, isobifacial leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesMayacaceae110tropical Americas, 1 sp. from Africasmall herbs of marshes
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesThurniaceae24South Africa and Guyana region, Amazoniayucca-like herbs with erect, leafy stems, serrate leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesJuncaceae7430worldwideglabrous (Luzula excepted) caespitose herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesCyperaceae985680worldwide, esp. temeperate regionsherbs with solid, often sharply three-angled stems
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesRestionaceae64545warm temperate S. hemisphere, mostly Australia and S. Africaquite large rush-like herbs with very much reduced leaves, some small more or less caespitose herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesFlagellariaceae15Palaeotropics, to the Pacific Islands and N. Australiarobust, climbing or scrambling rather grass-like plants
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesJoinvilleaceae12Malay Peninsula to the Pacificrobust, grass-like plants with plicate leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesEcdeiocoleaceae23S.W. Australiarobust, grass-like plants
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)PoalesPoaceae70711337worldwidegrasses
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)CommelinalesHanguanaceae114Sri Lanka, S. E. Asia to Palau and N. Australiarobust terrestrial herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)CommelinalesCommelinaceae40652tropical and temperateherbs with rather soft and fleshy leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)CommelinalesPhilydraceae45Australia (all genera) to S. E. Asiarobust rosette herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)CommelinalesHaemodoraceae639tropics and warm temperate regions, rather scatteredperennial herbs, two-ranked and isobifacial leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)CommelinalesPontederiaceae933tropics, also temperate, esp. New Worldaquatic or marsh herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesMusaceae241Africa, Himalayas to S. E. Asia, Philippines and N. Australialarge herbs with spiral, shortly-petiolate leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesHeliconiaceae1200mostly tropical America, a few Celebes to the Pacificlarge herbs with two-ranked leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesStrelitziaceae37tropical South America, E. S. Africa, Madagascarlarge herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesLowiaceae120S. China to Borneolarge herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesCannaceae110New World (sub)tropicslarge herbs with shortly-petiolate leaves
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesMarantaceae31550tropics, esp. American, not in Australiaoften robust herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesCostaceae6110pantropical, esp. America and Papuasia-Australialarge herbs
info FMonocotyledons (Commelinids)ZingiberalesZingiberaceae521340pan(sub)tropical, esp. South East Asia-Malesiausually large and often aromatic rhizomatous herbs
info Fsister of eudicotsCeratophyllalesCeratophyllaceae16worldwidewater plants with whorled, spiny-toothed leaves
info FEudicotsRanunculalesEupteleaceae12E. Asiadeciduous trees with short shoots
info FEudicotsRanunculalesPapaveraceae44825largely N. temperate, further Andes, N. and S. Africausually herbs
info FEudicotsRanunculalesCircaeasteraceae21India (Himalayas), W. ans N.W. Chinasmall herbs
info FEudicotsRanunculalesLardizabalaceae740S.E. Asia and Chileusually lianes
info FEudicotsRanunculalesMenispermaceae70442pantropicallianes (vines), climbing by twining
info FEudicotsRanunculalesBerberidaceae14701mostly E. Asia and E. North America, also South America, a few species general N. temperate, scattered in Africaherbs or shrubs
info FEudicotsRanunculalesRanunculaceae622525worldwide, most temperatesually herbaceous habit
info FEudicotsProtealesSabiaceae3140S. E. Asia to Malesia, tropical Americaevergreen trees or lianes
info FEudicotsProtealesNelumbonaceae12temperate E. North America, E. and S.E. Asiawater plants
info FEudicotsProtealesPlatanaceae110N. hemispheredeciduous trees
info FEudicotsProtealesProteaceae801615largely S. hemisphere, esp. Australia and S. Africatrees or (acaulescent) shrubs
info FEudicotsTrochodendralesTrochodendraceae22China, Nepal, Japan to N. Taiwanevergreen trees
info FEudicotsBuxalesBuxaceae7100very scattered, tropical as well as temperatemonoecious evergreen herbs to small trees
info FEudicots, coreGunneralesGunneraceae150scattered, S. hemispheresometimes huge herbs
info FEudicots, coreGunneralesMyrothamnaceae12Africa and Madagascarvegetatively very distinctive aromatic shrubs
info FEudicots, coreDillenialesDilleniaceae11500tropical and warm temperatetrees and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesPeridiscaceae411South America, tropical W. Africatrees
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesPaeoniaceae133N. temperate, especially East Asiaperennial herbs or shrublets
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesAltingiaceae113scattered, E. Mediterranean, East Asia, Malesia, Central Americamonoecious, deciduous trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesHamamelidaceae2782tropical to temperate, esp. East Asia to Australiatrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesCercidiphyllaceae12China and Japandeciduous trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesDaphniphyllaceae110S.E. Asiaevergreen trees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesCrassulaceae341400worldwide, esp. the Cape region and Mexicosucculent herbs to soft-stemmed shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesAphanopetalaceae12W. and E. Australiamore or less scrambling shrubs with prominently lenticellate stems
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesTetracarpaeaceae11Tasmaniasubalpine shrubs with shortly-petiolate, strongly-toothed, leathery leaves
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesPenthoraceae12E. and S. E. Asia, E. North Americafleshy herbs with spiral, serrate leaves
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesHaloragaceae9145worldwide, esp. Australiarather small, usually monoecious, often more or less herbaceous plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesIteaceae121Mexico, S.E. Asia to W. Malesia, E. North America, E. and S. Africatrees and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesGrossulariaceae1150temperate N. hemisphere, also along the Andesshrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesSaxifragaceae33600mostly N. temperate and Arctic, mountains ot tropicsherbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperrosidsSaxifragalesCynomoriaceae12Mediterranean to C. Asiaechlorophyllous, root parasite
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, RosidsVitalesVitaceae14850pantropical and (warm) temperateoften vines, some trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsZygophyllalesKrameriaceae118S.W. U.S.A. to Chilehemiparasitic shrubs or herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsZygophyllalesZygophyllaceae22325dry and warm temperate, tropicalherbs to trees, often grow in more or less arid and saline conditions
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCelastralesLepidobotryaceae11W. Africatree
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCelastralesCelastraceae941400worldwidevariable group of herbs to trees, also lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsOxalidalesHuaceae23tropical Africaevergreen plants, usually trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsOxalidalesConnaraceae12180pantropical, esp. Old Worldmostly woody lianes that twine in the apical parts of the innovations
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsOxalidalesOxalidaceae6770worldwide, esp. tropical and subtropicalvariable group of herbs to trees, also lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsOxalidalesCunoniaceae29280S. hemisphere, tropical and warm temperatewoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsOxalidalesElaeocarpaceae12605S. hemisphere, exc. Africa, tropical and warm temperatewoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsOxalidalesBrunelliaceae155Central and South America and the Antilles; more or less montaneeverygreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsOxalidalesCephalotaceae11S.W. Australiainsectivorous herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesCtenolophonaceae13W. Africa, Malesiatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesErythroxylaceae4240pantropical, esp. Americanshrubs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesRhizophoraceae16149pantropicalshrubs to trees, some have have aerial prop roots
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesIrvingiaceae412Africa, Madagascar; South East Asia to W. Malesiatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesPandaceae315tropics, Africa, S.E. Asia, New Guineaevergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesOchnaceae27495pantropical, esp. Brazilevergreen trees whose leaves are usually serrate
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesBonnetiaceae335Cambodia, Malesia (mostly Western), Cuba, South Americashrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesClusiaceae14800pantropicalrange from shrubs to trees, and some are epiphytic; many are dioecious
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesCalophyllaceae13460pantropicalusually trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesHypericaceae9700worldwideherbs or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesPodostemaceae54300tropical, esp. Americasquintessential aquatic plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesLophopyxidaceae11Malesia to the Solomon and Caroline Islandstendrillate lianas with quite strongly serrate leaves
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesPutranjivaceae3210tropical, esp. Africa and Malesiatrees to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesCaryocaraceae227tropical America, esp. Amazoniaevergreen trees to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesCentroplacaceae26W. Africa, Indo-Malesiausually evergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesElatinaceae235worldwideoften herbaceous plants of moist habitats
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesMalpighiaceae681250tropical and subtropical, esp. Americantrees, lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesBalanopaceae19S.W. Pacific, especially New Caledonialook like a Myrica, but they lack its distinctive glandular hairs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesTrigoniaceae528Central and South America, Madagascar, W. Malesiaevergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesDichapetalaceae3165Pantropical, few in Malesiatrees or often lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesEuphroniaceae13the Guyana Shieldwoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesChrysobalanaceae18350pantropical, especially Americantrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesHumiriaceae850tropical America, W. Africaevergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesAchariaceae30145pantropicalherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesGoupiaceae12C. America and N. South Americatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesViolaceae34985worldwideherbs, some woody
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesPassifloraceae27975tropical, esp. America and Africa, also warm temperateherbaceous or woody, vines or lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesLacistemataceae214Greater Antilles (Jamaica), Mexico southwards, not in Chilewoody, evergreen plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesSalicaceae541200Pantropical, also temperate to Arctictrees, shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesPeraceae5135Pantropical, not East Malesiashrubs, trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesRafflesiaceae320S. China, Assam, Bhutan, Thailand, W. Malesiastem or root parasites on Tetrastigma (Vitaceae)
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesEuphorbiaceae2186745worldwide except Arcticherbs, shrubs, trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesPhyllanthaceae592330pantropical, but esp. Malesia, some temperateherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesPicrodendraceae2496mostly tropicalherbaceous or woody, similar to Euphorbiaceae
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesIxonanthaceae321pantropicalshrubs to high trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsMalpighialesLinaceae7300worldwideherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFabalesQuillajaceae12temperate South Americatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFabalesFabaceae76619580worldwideherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFabalesSurianaceae58Mostly Australian, also Mexico (Recchia), pantropical (Suriana maritima)woody, shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFabalesPolygalaceae21965worldwide, except the Arctic and New Zealandherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesRosaceae902520worldwide, but esp. N. hemisphere, often not deserts or tropical rainforestherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesRhamnaceae52925worldwide, especially tropics and warm temperate regionsshrubs, trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesElaeagnaceae345North Temperate, warm tropical; Malesia and Australiaoften thorny and mostly deciduous shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesBarbeyaceae11N.E. Africa, Arabiashrub
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesDirachmaceae12Socotra, Somaliashrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesUlmaceae635mostly N. temperate, esp. Asian, few species tropical, not in Australia and the Pacifictrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesCannabaceae11170worldwide, but not Arcticherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesMoraceae391125mostly tropical to warm temperatelaticiferous plants, herbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsRosalesUrticaceae542526worldwide, but mainly tropicalherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesAnisophylleaceae471pantropicalshrubs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesCorynocarpaceae16New Guinea to New Zealandtrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesCoriariaceae15very disjunct: circum S. Pacific to China and Himalayas, Mediterraneansubshrubs to small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesCucurbitaceae98975largely tropical and subtropical, especially drier parts of Africavines or lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesTetramelaceae22Indo-Malesiatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesDatiscaceae12W. North America, Crete to Indiaherbaceous
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesBegoniaceae21600largely tropicalsucculent, herbaceous habit
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsCucurbitalesApodanthaceae210New World from the S. W. U.S.A. southwards, S. W. Asia, S. W. Australia and E. (mostly) Africaoccur as groups of rather small, sessile flowers growing along the stems of their hosts
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFagalesNothofagaceae135New Guinea, Australia, Tasmania, New Zaeland to South Americadeciduous trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFagalesFagaceae7670turopical to cold temperate N. hemisphere, Malesiatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFagalesMyricaceae357scattered, worlwidewoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFagalesJuglandaceae951N. temperate, also Malesia and the Andesevergreen or deciduous trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFagalesCasuarinaceae495Madagascar, S.E. Asia and Malesia to the S.W. Pacific, esp. Australiatrees looking like a conifer
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFagalesTicodendraceae11Central Americawind-pollinated trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, FabidsFagalesBetulaceae6145N. temperate, to Andes and Sumatratrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsGeranialesGeraniaceae7805mostly temperate, some tropicaloften herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsGeranialesFrancoaceae931Africa, South Americaperennial herbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesCombretaceae14500largely tropicalevergreen trees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesOnagraceae22655worldwideherbs to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesLythraceae31620tropical, but some temperateherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesVochysiaceae7190lowland tropical America, apart from Erismadelphus and Korupodendron from W. Africatrees or lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesMyrtaceae1314620worldwide, mostly tropical-warm temperatearomatic plants, herbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesMelastomataceae1705105very largely tropical, also subtropicalherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesCrypteroniaceae310South East Asia, Malesia, Sri Lankatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesAlzateaceae12Costa Rica to Perutrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMyrtalesPenaeaceae929E. and S. Africa, overwhelmingly South African, and St Helenatrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsCrossosomatalesStaphyleaceae245N. temperate, tropics in America (to Bolivia) and Malesiashrubs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsCrossosomatalesGuamatelaceae11Mexico, Guatemala, and Hondurassprawling shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsCrossosomatalesStachyuraceae15E. Asiasmall trees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsCrossosomatalesCrossosomataceae412North Americadeciduous shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsCrossosomatalesAphloiaceae11E. Africa, Madagascar, the Mascarenes and Seychellesevergreen shrubs or small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsCrossosomatalesGeissolomataceae11Cape Province, S. Africaevergreen shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsCrossosomatalesStrasburgeriaceae22North Island, New Zealand, New Caledoniaevergreen tree
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsPicramnialesPicramniaceae349neotropicalrather small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesBiebersteiniaceae15Greece to Central Asiaperennial, glandular-hairy herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesNitrariaceae316± arid regions from North Africa to East Asia, also S.W. Australia and E. Mexicoperennial herbs to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesKirkiaceae18Tropical and S. Africa, Madagascarwoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesAnacardiaceae80873mostly tropical, also temperateperennial herbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesBurseraceae19755tropicaltrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesSapindaceae1401630worldwidewoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesSimaroubaceae22110largery tropical, some temperatetrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesRutaceae1612070largely tropicalperennial herbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsSapindalesMeliaceae50705Pantropical, but largely Old World; plants of the lowlandstrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsHuertealesGerrardinaceae12E. and S. Africashrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsHuertealesPetenaeaceae11C. Americashrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsHuertealesTapisciaceae25China, West Indies and N.W. South Americatress
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsHuertealesDipentodontaceae216China to Malesia and N.E. Australia, Hawaii, Mexico to Boliviatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesNeuradaceae315Africa to India, dry or desert areassmall herbaceous or subwoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesThymelaeaceae50891worldwide, esp. tropical Africa and Australiaherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesSphaerosepalaceae218Madagascardeciduous trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesBixaceae421pantropicalherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesCistaceae8175Eurasia, North Africa, North America, southern South America, esp. the Mediterranean regionherbs to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesSarcolaenaceae860Madagascarmostly evergreen trees and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesDipterocarpaceae17680Tropical, but overwhelmingly W. Malesian in species diversity, only one species in South Americatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesCytinaceae210Mexico, Mediterranean, South Africa and Madagascarechlorophyllous parasites
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesMuntingiaceae33tropical Americatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsMalvalesMalvaceae2434225largely tropical, also temperateshrubs and trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesAkaniaceae22S.W. China, adjacent Vietnam, Formosa (Bretschneidera sinensis), E. Australia (Akania bidwillii)deciduous or evergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesTropaeolaceae1105New World, esp. Andeanherbaceous
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesMoringaceae112India to Africa, Madagascarquite stout-stemmed shrubs or trees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesCaricaceae634mostly tropical (Andean) America (three genera in Mexico); Africa (Cylicomorpha only)stout-stemmed often prickly trees, rarely vines
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesSetchellanthaceae11Mexicopungent-smelling shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesLimnanthaceae28temperate North Americasoft-stemmed herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesKoeberliniaceae12C. America and S.W. North America, Boliviathorny, much-branched shrubs of dry regions
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesBataceae12N. Australia and S. New Guinea, tropical America, and the Galapagoshalophytic subshrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesSalvadoraceae311Africa (inc. Madagascar) to South East Asia and West Malesia, often in drier regionsrather sometimes scrambling small-leaved shrubs or small treees
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesEmblingiaceae11W. Australialow-growing herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesPentadiplandraceae11tropical W. Africashrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesGyrostemonaceae518Australia, not in the northyellowish-drying (including the twigs) shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesResedaceae896mostly Northern hemisphere, a few southern Africaherbs to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesTovariaceae12tropical Americaherbs
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesCapparaceae16480largely tropicalwoody
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesCleomaceae2300tropical and warm temperate, esp. Americaherbaceous or shrubby plants with palmately compound leaves
info FEudicots, core, Superrosids, Rosids, MalvidsBrassicalesBrassicaceae3253740worldwide, esp. N. temperate and drier areasmost are herbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsSantalalesOlacaceae29170pantropical, warm temperatetrees, shrubs and lianes
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsSantalalesLoranthaceae77950tropical or subtropicalusually stem parasites
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsSantalalesMisodendraceae18cool temperate South Americastem parasites
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsSantalalesSchoepfiaceae355Central and South America, a few species in tropical South East Asia-West Malesiaherbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsSantalalesOpiliaceae1136pantropicalroot parasitic trees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsSantalalesSantalaceae44990worldwide, esp. tropicsherbs to trees, parasites
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsSantalalesBalanophoraceae1642mostly tropicalechlorophyllous yellow to red or brown root parasites
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsBerberidopsidalesAextoxicaceae11C. Chiledioecious evergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsBerberidopsidalesBerberidopsidaceae23Chile, E. Australiawoody scramblers
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesDroseraceae3205worldwideinsectivorous herbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesNepenthaceae190Madagascar to New Caledoniaoften insectivorous plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesDrosophyllaceae11Southern Iberian Peninsula, Moroccosubwoody carnivorous plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesAncistrocladaceae112tropical Africa to W. Borneo and Formosalianes
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesDioncophyllaceae33tropical West Africaherbs/shrubs, climbers, rather long rosette leaves simmilar to Nepenthes
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesFrankeniaceae190warm, dry areas, but scatteredshrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesTamaricaceae590Eurasia and Africa, esp. Mediterranean to Central Asiawoody plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesPlumbaginaceae29836predominantly Mediterranean to Central Asia, scattered elsewhereperennial herbs or shrubs, rarely climbers
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesPolygonaceae551100worldwideherbaceous or shrubby
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesRhabdodendraceae13tropical South Americasmallish evergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesSimmondsiaceae11S.W. North America, the Sonoran Desertevergreen shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesAsteropeiaceae18Madagascarevergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesPhysenaceae12Madagascarshrubs to trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesMacarthuriaceae110Australia, the periphery, esp. S.W. Australiaoften rather rigid and rush-like shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesMicroteaceae19Central and South America, Antillesherbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesCaryophyllaceae1012200worldwide, mostly temperate, esp. Eurasianmostly herbs with opposite, entire leaves
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesAchatocarpaceae27S.W. USA to South Americatrees and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesAmaranthaceae1832500World-wide, esp. warm and dry temperate and subtropics and saline habitatssucculent, herbaceous or shrubby (lianes), often in saline conditions
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesStegnospermataceae13Central America, the Antillesmore or less scandent or sprawling plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesLimeaceae121Southern Africa (most species), to Ethiopia, S. Asiaherbs or subshrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesLophiocarpaceae26Africa to western Indiaherbs or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesKewaceae18South Africa (most), to Ethiopia, Madagascar, and St Helenasmall herbs or subshrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesBarbeuiaceae11Madagascarlianes
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesAizoaceae1252035tropical and subtropical, arid, esp. southern Africamore or less prostrate herbs with suculent leafs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesGisekiaceae17Africa, S. Asiaprostrate herbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesSarcobataceae12S.W. North Americashrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesPhytolaccaceae532tropical and warm temperate, esp. Americaherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesPetiveriaceae913Southern U.S.A. to South America, the Antilles, Australia, New Hebrides and New Caledoniaherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesNyctaginaceae31405tropical to warm temperateherbs with swollen nodes, lianes and trees
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesMolluginaceae1187tropical, especially southern Africa, to warm temperateherbs or subshrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesMontiaceae14225scattered, worldwide, esp. western North and South America, also the Antilles and the Subantarctic Islandsherbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesHalophytaceae11Argentinaannual herb
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesDidiereaceae716Madagascar, South Africa, E. Africaoften more or less stout-stemmed plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesBasellaceae419Africa, New World, apparently introduced into India-East Asiamore or less succulent and viney plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesTalinaceae327America and Africa, including Madagascarherbs to (lianescent) shrubs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesAnacampserotaceae336Very scattered: C. and S. Australia, Somalia to South Africa (most species), S. South America, N. Mexico and S.W. U.S.A.often rather small, fleshy plants
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesPortulacaceae1100worldwide, but especially tropical and subtropical North and South Americasucculent herbs
info FEudicots, core, SuperasteridsCaryophyllalesCactaceae1391866nearly all New World, esp. arid conditionsstout and very fleshy stems, axillary areoles of spines and hairs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsCornalesCornaceae285scattered, not S. South Americatrees and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsCornalesGrubbiaceae13Cape Province, S. Africaericoid shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsCornalesCurtisiaceae11S. Africaevergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsCornalesNyssaceae522Mainly East Asia, also Indo-Malesia and E. North Americatrees and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsCornalesHydrostachyaceae120C. and S. Africa, Madagascarsubmerged, rosette-forming, aquatic herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsCornalesHydrangeaceae9270warm temperate, some species in tropicsusually rather robust herbs, shrubs or climbers
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsCornalesLoasaceae20265mostly American, but also Africa and the Marquesas Islandsusually herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesMarcgraviaceae7130New World tropicsoften lianas
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesBalsaminaceae21001cool temperate to tropical, not C. and South America or Oceaniaannual herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesTetrameristaceae35W. Malesia, Central and N. South Americatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesPolemoniaceae18385N. temperate, W. North America, South Americaherbs, or sometimes shrubs or lianas
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesFouquieriaceae111S.W. North Americalittle-branched shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesLecythidaceae25350tropical, especially America and W. Africausually trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesSladeniaceae23S.E. Asia, tropical E. Africaevergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesPentaphylacaceae112345tropical and subtropical, but few in Africashrubs or trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesSapotaceae531100pantropicaltrees and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesEbenaceae4553tropical (to temperate)trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesPrimulaceae582590worldwideherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesMitrastemonaceae12South East Asia, Malesia, Central America, N.W. South America, scatteredroot parasites
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesTheaceae9460tropical regions, mostly South East Asia and S.E. U.S.A., Malesia and tropical South Americashrubs or trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesSymplocaceae2320tropical to subtropical, inc. New Caledonia, not Africashrubs or trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesStyracaceae11160Warm N. temperate to tropicaltrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesDiapensiaceae618Circum-Arctic (Diapensia lapponica only) and scattered N. temperate, esp. East Asia and E. U.S.A.herbs or subshrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesSarraceniaceae332E. and W. U.S.A. and the Guayana Highlandsherbaceous, insectivorous pitcher plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesActinidiaceae3380largely tropical, esp. South East Asia to Malesia, but not Africavines, shrubs, small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesRoridulaceae12S. Africashrub, carnivorous
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesClethraceae275E. Asia to Malesia, S.E. U.S.A. (sect. Clethra), Mexico southwards, Cuba, 1 sp. on Madeirawoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesCyrillaceae22S. U.S.A. to N. South Americatrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, AsteridsEricalesEricaceae1264010boreal to warm temperate, also montane tropics, very rare in lowland tropicsherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsIcacinalesIcacinaceae??
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsIcacinalesOncothecaceae??
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsMetteniusalesMetteniusaceae??
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsGarryalesGarryaceae217W. North America, Central America, the Greater Antilles and East Asiaevergreen, woody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsGarryalesEucommiaceae11Central Chinatrees, deciduous
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsGentianalesRubiaceae61113150worldwide, but largely tropical, especially Madagascar and the Andesherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsGentianalesLoganiaceae13420pantropical, esp. Australia and New Caledoniaherbs to shrubs and lianes
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsGentianalesGelsemiaceae211± pantropicalshrubs and trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsGentianalesGentianaceae991740worldwide, but especially temperate, about half the genera in South Americaherbs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsGentianalesApocynaceae4004555largely tropical to warm temperateherbs to evergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsVahlialesVahliaceae18Africa and Madagascar to Indiashruby herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsSolanalesMontiniaceae35Africa and Madagascarwoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsSolanalesSphenocleaceae12Old World tropicserect fleshy annuals of damp or flooded habitats
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsSolanalesHydroleaceae112tropical, warm temperatmore or less shrubby plants growing near or even in water
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsSolanalesConvolvulaceae571880worldwideusually viny habit, some parasitic
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsSolanalesSolanaceae1022460worldwide, but overwhelmingly tropical Americaquite often rather foetid herbs or weak shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsBoraginalesBoraginaceae1482740worldwideusually herbs, but also shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesPlocospermataceae11C. Americashrubby plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesCarlemanniaceae25E. Nepal eastwards to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, S.W. China, Sumatraperennial herbs or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesOleaceae24615more or less worldwide, especially East Asiawoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesTetrachondraceae23Patagonia, New Zealand (Tetrachondra), S. U.S.A. to South America (Polypremum procumbens)perennial erect to prostrate herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesCalceolariaceae2260upland tropical and W. temperate South America, Brasil, also New Zealandherbs or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesGesneriaceae1483460largely tropicalherbs or rather soft-stemmed shrubs or small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesPlantaginaceae901900worldwide, mostly temperateusually herbs, some shruby, some aquatics
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesScrophulariaceae591880worldwideherbs to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesStilbaceae1139most S. Africa, the Cape Province, also to tropical Africa, Madagascar, the Mascarenes and Arabiaericoid shrubs, ordinary shrubs, or herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesByblidaceae18W. and N. Australia, S. New Guineaephemeral herbs to rhizomatous and almost shrubby plants, carnivorous
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesLinderniaceae7225pantropical to warm temperateoften rather small herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesPedaliaceae1570mostly Old World tropical, in coastal or arid habitatsherbs or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesMartyniaceae516tropical and subtropical America, rather scatteredherbs with sticky hairs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesAcanthaceae2204000mostly tropicalherbs, shrubs, vines or trees (of mangroves)
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesBignoniaceae110800mainly tropical, esp. South Americawoody, trees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesSchlegeliaceae428Mexico to tropical, esp. N.W., South America, Antillesmost are epiphytes
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesLentibulariaceae3300worldwidevegetatively-diverse, perennial insectivorous herbs of wet habitats
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesThomandersiaceae16W. and C. Africawoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesVerbenaceae31918pantropical (to warm temperate), but mostly New World, esp. S. South Americavines, shrubs, or trees (perennial to annual herbs)
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesLamiaceae2367176worldwideherbs (trees, vines)
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesMazaceae333C. Asia and . China to the Antipodes, rather scattered, but esp. Chinaannual or perennial herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesPhrymaceae13188± worldwide, esp. temperate and W. North America and Australia, but few humid tropicsannual or perennial herbs (woody)
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesPaulowniaceae28E. Asia to E. Malesiadeciduous trees to climbers
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, LamiidsLamialesOrobanchaceae992060worldwide, but especially N. (warm) temperate and Africa-Madagascarherbs, rarely shrubs, nearly all members of the family have a holo- or hemiparasitic life-style
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAquifolialesCardiopteridaceae543tropics, inc. the Pacific, to Taiwanherbs to shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAquifolialesStemonuraceae1295tropics, esp. Indo-Malesia to Australia (Queensland) and the West Pacificwoody plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAquifolialesAquifoliaceae1405± worldwide, esp. America and South East Asia-Malesia, two species in Africa, three in Europe, one in Australiashrubs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAquifolialesPhyllonomaceae14Americas - Mexico to Perushrubs or small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAquifolialesHelwingiaceae13Asia - Himalayas to Japanevergreen or deciduous shrubs or small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesRousseaceae413Mauritius, scattered from New Guinea to New Zealand and Australiatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesCampanulaceae842380worldwideherbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesPentaphragmataceae130S. E. Asia to Malesia, esp. W. Malesiarather fleshy herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesAlseuosmiaceae410New Guinea, E. Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia± woody
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesPhellinaceae112New Caledoniatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesArgophyllaceae221S.W. Pacific, including Rapa, Australia, New Zaelandshrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesStylidiaceae2245scattered in South East Asia to New Zealand, S. South America, but mostly Australiausually rosette or tussock herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesMenyanthaceae558worldwideaquatic plants with more or less orbicular or palmately-compound leaves
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesGoodeniaceae12430very largely Australian, Scaevola alone pantropicalmore or less herbaceous plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesCalyceraceae460South Americaherbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsAsteralesAsteraceae162025040worldwideherbs and shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsEscallonialesEscalloniaceae7135scattered: Réunion, E. Himalayas and S. China to E. and W. Australia and New Zealand, Central and South Americashrubs or trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsBrunialesBruniaceae681S. Africa, almost entirely the Cape Province, also KwaZulu-Natalericoid shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsBrunialesColumelliaceae25Costa Rica to Chile, montane in the tropical part of this areashrubs or small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsApialesPennantiaceae14N.E. Australia, Norfolk Island, New Zealandtrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsApialesTorricelliaceae310Madagascar, S. E. Asia and W. Malesiatrees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsApialesGriseliniaceae16New Zealand and S. South Americatrees or shrubs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsApialesPittosporaceae9200Old World, especially Australia, tropical and warm temperate, outside the immediate Australian region, mainly Pittosporumaromatic woody and sometimes thorny plants
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsApialesAraliaceae431450largely tropical, few temperateoften rather stout-stemmed and little-branched shrubs or trees, rarely herbs
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsApialesMyodocarpaceae219New Caledonia, E. Malesia, and Queensland, Australiashrubs to trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsApialesApiaceae4343780worldwide, esp. N. temperateusually herbs, some shrubby
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsParacryphialesParacryphiaceae336S. W. Pacific: Philippines to New Zealand and New Caledoniaevergreen trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsDipsacalesAdoxaceae5200N. temperate, tropical montane, S.E. Australia, rare in Africaherbs to small trees
info FEudicots, core, Superasterids, Asterids, CampanulidsDipsacalesCaprifoliaceae42890largely temperate/warm temperate in the N. hemisphere, some montane tropicsherbs to trees
  • Number in column “Genus” denote number of genera in family and number in “Species” denote number of species within genus.
  • Records in Italics denote the rows of species with gallery of images accessible by click on the image (not available yet).
  • System is following APG IV. Information regarding distribution and habitus of families are retrieved in most cases from Simpson (2010) or Angiosperm Phylogeny Website, ver. 13.